Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Being A Duck

If you have been on a team or in the professional world, chances are you have done a personality test at some point.  I've done dozens over my career. While the "character" might change slightly - one thing has remained the same....I am a Duck.

Consider what that means to be a duck....to our eyes they glide across the pond. It looks effortless and beautiful.  What our eyes miss is happening below the surface. Their feet paddling urgently to make that journey.  They are working so hard - but it looks easy on the surface.

I can only assume I was born a duck, since I have an identical duck sister :) It became very obvious early in my career when I would come to work at 8:30 and be ready to leave at 5:00 and not miss a deadline. Those who know me we'll also know I can count on one hand the lunches I've missed over those 21 years.  One manager asked, "How do you do it? You work so efficiently and make it look easy!" I hated to confess that I was a duck. That's what ducks do!

Being a Christian "duck" can also come with challenges. When outsiders see your life they may only see the surface.  Being a transparent Christian I seek to show who it is that is making that glide look easy. If I did not have Christ giving me the strength to make that journey I would have no hope.  "Ducks" May also be tempted not to ask for help because that shows weakness.  That temptation to "handle it" can happen with humans and with Christ.

I have realized even recently how unproductive it is for any personality type to keep those struggles from The Lord.  Do I truly think I can handle something that He can't? I imagine He is quite amused when I pretend I've "got this".

I have never slept.  J always chalked it up to part of being a duck. I convinced my husband that women are just wired differently. One night I got up, so that I wouldn't wake him, and went downstairs. I started reading old prayer journals as I was sitting there so frustrated about not sleeping. Guess what - not one single prayer for help with my sleep. I knelt down beside the sofa and cried out to Him. Ashamed that I was trying to handle this without even asking for help.  You can guess what came next - the best nights sleep I have had in years.

Lord, thank you for making me aware of my trait to make this life look easy.  Thank you for revealing the areas in my life that I have kept to myself. Thank you for urging me to be transparent enough to show my faults and struggles. My faults and struggles allow You to be the one and only one helping me glide. Amen

Psalms 57:2 "I cry out to God Most High. To God who fulfills His purpose for me."

1 comment:

  1. I love your writing, Ali! Thank you for sharing it with us!
