Monday, April 18, 2016

To my out of style daughter

Today's style is focused on stick thin bodies and outfits that are becoming more revealing. May you always be out of style. When parents of future boyfriends see you - I hope they say how out of style you are. I hope they notice that they have never seen certain parts of you.  I hope the world will always wonder what your teenage self would look like in some of today's styles. I hope they ask you why your bathing suit covers your body. Use this chance to tell them your fashion designer's name.

While I won't be silly enough to think this will protect you. I will be bold enough to help you ward off eyes to your body. You only get one chance to be a young lady. You will spend 80% or so of your life being an adult. Enjoy the 20% time to guard your heart and your body so that 100% can bring the utmost glory to Your Designer.

When you are in my home, I will help you be your most beautiful self. When you see me flinch my nose at a choice - make a note - you will do the same one day to a little girl that you would do anything to protect. Your body is a living testimony. Everything from your head to your toes signals to the outside world who you live for. You do not live to be on the best dressed list. You do not live for a trend that will pass quickly. You live to bring others to a closer relationship with the One and Only Jesus. Your unstylish choices now will make a difference later.

“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭ESV

My prayer for you is that your 20% time is a time of preparation and modesty. Trends change - trust me - trust the photos of me and my jelly shoes in sixth grade, or acid wash jeans in high school. Trust me and my big hair senior portraits - oh wait - I do still love my big hair! Your generation faces trends that will defy anything I had to face. May you be able to match your outfit to your testimony. I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars on outfits and can assure you that none of them are worth more than the armor of God. Your outfit will be all that some people will ever know about you. Is it the message you would want them to know? I miss the days of giant hair bows, smocked dresses, and Mary Jane shoes. But, I am okay with going toe to toe with you now that you are old enough to make your own decisions. So, beware and pray that the trends of the next few years will match up to your testimony.....OR, I hope you are out of style. Because I love you.

Lord, I pray that you are interceding with fashion designers and urging their hearts to develop clothes that speak modesty. I pray that you are working in my heart and those of other parents to demand a different style for young girls. I pray that you are preparing young men to seek modestly dressed girls and to hold them in a place of high honor. May our fashion choices honor You. Lord , I have never been tempted by reveling clothes - but, I have placed far too much importance on a label to cover up my insecurity. Work in my heart that I might be able to overcome that need. May our hearts and choices honor You. Guard our daughters choices that they may present themselves in an honorable way. You have entrusted us with a precious gift. More precious than silver or gold. Help me to fight the fight when necessary to uphold her testimony. Show me the battles that should be fought and the ones that can be avoided. Give her strength when she feels too weak to fight for her faith. Give me strength when someone says she isn't cool or doesn't have the right outfit. Make my choices a road map for her to follow and help her see through me to You. Amen

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