Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Devil in Disguise

I am so blessed to live close to a beautiful river. Not only do I live close to a river, but our city has done a wonderful job making a walking trail with views of the river.  It winds around and you can walk, run or bike along the beautiful path.  There is just one the hot Alabama summer there can be snakes :( YIKES! Nothing like a long slithery friend blocking your path to get that heart rate pumping!

While walking recently we came across this guy.  He was laid out blocking the path. You look around and you see beauty everywhere - then there is this snake.  Then, he slithers off, into the brush. Where he can hide.  Into the brush. Where he can disguise himself.  Into the brush.  Only to come out later and block someone else's path.

I thought about the irony of this creature blocking our path.  This cursed creature. Blocking our path. How perfectly it ties back to our walk with Christ.

We are walking along - enjoying the beauty - enjoying the bounty of His blessings - feeling strong - feeling tough - most likely praising along the way.  Then we make a turn and there he is - across our path.  Our first reaction is fear - but he isn't hissing at us - he is just there - then he begins to slither off - he wants you to follow.  It can be quite alluring - he promises comfort - no rocks in your shoes where he is taking you.  He promises you will be hidden - look at all the camouflage around - no one will know.  He promises you - a better path. Look at how much brush there is to hide his actions.  Satan causes us to hide - just as in the original sin.

How powerful his promises can sound - especially when you are feeling weak or down - shoot - he knows where to attack us.  His lies are so tempting.  So, when he crawls out and blocks your path, what is our response?

1) Recognize him - Acts 26:18 "Open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to lift and from the power of Satan to God." As Christians we must be able to recognize that he is watching for ways to cause us to drift off the path. Whether it is in your marriage, your finances, your family - where is he lurking? Not sure if it is the Lord prompting you or Satan? The Lord does not tempt you to do things that will hurt you.  “Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:13

2) Rebuke him - Mark 8:33 "Get behind me Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man." When I'm alone I find myself actually rebuking him out loud. I have yelled at him to get out of my home. I've yelled at him to get out of my car! You will appreciate that folks might just think I'm crazy if I did that in public :)

3) Refuse him - 1 Peter 5:8-9 "Be sober minded. Be watchful.  Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  Resist him, firm in your faith..." The devil's  way devours you.  It looks enticing. It looks comfortable. But, when you get there - you are in a dark place. It is hard to find your way. So our best chance is to refuse to follow his path. Step over him and keep on the beautiful path. When we refuse to follow him we are allowed to enjoy the beautiful gifts around us.

I praise You for Your beautiful creation that we get to enjoy.  How blessed we are to be able to walk along the riverside and see so many aspects of your creation.  When the path is clear - it is easy to let your guard down and forget that the devil is lurking. He is ready to block the path and take us off of the path You intended.  Thank You for providing instructions on how to fight against the attack.  Keep our guard up and ready with Your word to stay true to You.

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