Saturday, December 31, 2016

Reflections of a Year


“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭77:11-12‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Most of us will spend this week reflecting on the past year and our hopes for the year ahead.  This has been a tough year, but one that has deepened our faith. I have more wrinkles, more gray hair, a few extra pounds...but, I also have a deeper relationship with my Lord and Savior.  My quiet time yesterday was focused on the many "reflections" of God I've seen this year.  He carried us through health issues this year that began in January and we can hopefully leave as a memory in 2016. He encouraged us when we were discouraged with how difficult it can be to have a daughter in middle school.  He gave us a deeper desire to learn and study His word to have a Biblical world view. Even with all of this, I still feel that there are so many reflections that I have yet to see. That gives me much hope for the upcoming year. My focus is in making my reflection more beautiful to Him....

What am I reflecting? 
When I look in the mirror do I see a reflection of Him or of the world? The worldly part of me reflects my jealousy, my urge to be liked, my earthly desires. I pray my reflection continues to evolve into Him. That even with the struggles - you will see Him instead of me.  Looking past the wrinkles to appreciate that with the wrinkles also came an increased knowledge of my faith. That I will be able to reflect back on my growth and look forward to an even "prettier" reflection next year.

Who am I reflecting? 
I want to reflect transparency. With transparency also comes vulnerability. Allowing others to see my pain and hurt. Allowing others to see the One that gives me strength. Any blessing has come from Him. The heartbreak is made easier thru Him. When I look in the mirror - I want my reflection to be Him.  I still see too much of me and my hope is in the coming year that reflection continues to change.  

As we reflect on this year, I am grateful for the many opportunities to deepen my Christian walk. I am grateful that while we aren't big on "resolutions" that we all committed to continuing to change our reflection. 

I have seen many of Your faces this year. Comforter, protector, encourager, friend, giver of grace. You have walked with us, You have carried us. You have protected us. You have supplied our needs. You have calmed our hearts. You have deepened our desire for You. You have opened our minds to learn. You have never left us. We praise You for this year. We pray that we will become a better reflection of You in the upcoming year. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Rethinking Commitments

I'm tired. Don't feel sorry for me. Most of my tired comes from "elective" activities. Commitments that I signed up for freely and under maybe just the slightest amount of guilt. But, nevertheless, they are things I signed up for. 

A full time job, a family, numerous volunteer organizations and I'm tired.  Then he (a colleague) said, "I think we need to reset our commitments." What?!?!?!? Are you kidding me? Do you know I am running on about 3 hours sleep. Do you know I got up an hour early to help at my child's school? Do you know that my husband's love language is quality time and I have not been able to spend any with him in five days?! Do you know that I have a 5:30 AM flight in the morning which means another three hours of mind flooded with all of the clever remarks that I could say....I will show him...rethink my commitments my foot (hopefully your mom taught you what that means!)...I will make you think - rethink your commitments. Ha!

Then, by His grace, I thought. First, let me review what my commitments have been. I reviewed the last six weeks and I saw where, not because I had been lazy or neglectful - but just have had several unforeseen events come up, I began to see why he felt I was elsewhere. Next, I stopped to pray. Help me to immediately turn this over to You. Quiet my mouth and help me to speak in kindness. Do not allow this small event to steal my joy for this day you have given me. 

Our talk went fine and it was clear that I had done a poor job communicating events that were likely to be getting in the way of our scheduled time. I had under communicated and over committed.  (An issue that can cause great problems if you long to make everyone around you happy).

As we are nearing the end of 2016, are you over committed and under communicating with our Savior? He can sometimes be the easy target for busy schedules.  

I challenge you , as I plan to do, to reset the communication with the Savior. Not a New Year's resolution , but a New You resolution! For there is no better way to live a life of peace than one committed to your communication with Him. Give your day to Him. Give your life to Him. Even if someone tries to steal your joy, go back and recommit it to Him. 

I mentioned my 5:30 AM flight, meant alarm clock set at 2:50 AM. But, even still, I gave my first moments to Him. Reading my devotion for the day and turning my day and my life into His hands. 

You made me in your perfect way. You knew that I would want those around me to be happy. You also knew that would mean I would be tempted to say "Yes" far too many times. You've been gracious to show me what my loved ones need to feel my love. I thank You for the reminder to reset my commitments. My first commitment is to You. I commit my days to You. You know I will need reminding from time to time. Remind me that my joy rests in You and is not up for the taking. Quieten my heart and mind when I begin to feel my joy is at risk. It is Yours.    Amen

“Let your heart therefore be wholly true to the Lord our God, walking in his statutes and keeping his commandments, as at this day."”
‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭8:61‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Above The Clouds

"To him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever. who by his understanding made the heavens, His love endures forever. who spread out the earth upon the waters, His love endures forever. who made the great lights— His love endures forever. the sun to govern the day, His love endures forever. the moon and stars to govern the night; His love endures forever.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭136:4-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

On a recent flight, I looked out the plane window and saw this beautiful sight out my window.  We were flying above the clouds. 

As childish as it sounds, since I lost my mom I love to fly. When we get above the clouds I feel closer to her. Almost like I am closer to heaven. 

On this flight, I was also reminded that if I can stay focused above the clouds - His light shines brighter. 

This was a very cloudy day on the ground. But look at how beautiful it is above the clouds. A bright and beautiful day. Bright with His creation - but hidden from the ground by this layer of clouds.

When I make the decision to not focus on the cloud - but to focus on the Son - I shine brighter. I could focus on what is wrong - OR - I can stay focused on what He has done for me by providing His Son. 

I love the word play with both the sun and the Son being wonderful gifts from God. Especially during the holiday season where we celebrate the birth of our Savior. I am especially grateful for this gift. 

When my focus shifts to the clouds - help me refocus to your Son. The clouds will come and go - but your Son will not change. It reminds me of Your promise in James that every good and perfect gift is coming down from You and there is no change or variation in You. You promise that there will be clouds. But, you also promise that You are there. On the ground it may feel like the sun has disappeared on the cloudy days - but if we shift our focus above the clouds - we see that You are still there. Ever faithful. Ever constant. Never changing. Thank you for the gift of Your Son. 

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:17‬ ‭ESV