John has been traveling for work a little recently. I hate for him to be traveling. I miss him and all the little things he does to take care of us. I realize when he is gone how much he does that sometimes goes un noticed.
But, I also get excited about spending some one on one time with MP. I love being with her. When it is the two of us, she tells me funny things that normally she wouldn't say. We laugh, sometimes we cry, but we really get to know each other. We eat popcorn and play games and enjoy being together!
I tell her what I was like when I was her age. (Like what a telephone looks like being plugged into the wall and what you did prior to social media!) She tells me what she is excited about. I love hearing her talk about her hopes and dreams. (How we will ride to work together one day!) We share the desires of our heart. I long to spend time with her and to get to know her even more.
Then I had that moment, as I long to spend more time with her so that I can know her better. Our Heavenly Father is longing to do the same with me. While He knows the desires of my heart, He wants to hear from me. He wants to share. He wants me to dive deep into His word to learn lessons He has for me. He wants every piece of me to love Him and to show it.
MP's memory verse for this week is perfect for what I want (and what God wants) for our relationship to be.
"Love The Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5
But even greater than that go to verse 7!
"Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:7
Oh, how beautiful it is to talk about how we can love The Lord in our daily life. What does it look like to Love The Lord at school? Even in middle school? You bet! You don't gossip, you look for opportunities to be a friend, you are loyal, you are encouraging, you are honest in your work.
I treasure my time with MP. I love getting to know her. I treasure my time with my Heavenly Father. I love getting to know His plan for my life. I love that He gave us these verses this week to remind us to talk about this every day when we wake up and when we lie down.
May we continue to trace events and happenings back to Your plan for our life. Fill our child with the love and an unending desire to know Your word. Help our lives to be an example of Your love for us. Help us to see Your glory in the rain storms and in the rainbow that follows. We want to love You with our mind and our would and our strength.